Simply Mom Me (Simplymomie)

Simply Mom Me.

I am a stay at home mom of 4 boys aged 9, 6, 4 and a baby of  12 months. The little baby is on breastfeed and also takes solids. I will continue to breastfeed him till he is 2years. (As a matter of fact I have breastfed my other 3 boys till they were 2 years as well.) I love to cook for my big family everyday and try out new dishes that my hubby and kids would love to eat. I take that as a challenge and I over come it. The praises I get after that will be too long to pen down. I bake cakes, cookies, pizza's and bread etc. almost every two days and that's also my hobby and a favorite past time.

Since, I cannot afford a maid with just my husbands salary I have to do all the household chores by myself from cleaning and sweeping to washing and drying. Then I volunteer to help at my kids school for 3 hours and I also volunteer at the church on weekends. I help my kids with their homework and studies as well as make time to take them to the play ground to run and play. We read story books together or just sit and sing songs or tell each other stories... My kids do have a good imagination and their stories are really interesting :)
At times I get my kids to help with the baking and they love doing it to the max. My boys enjoy helping with the cooking and are always so glad to help with the household chores like putting away their toys and making their beds. 

My jobs do make me tired and my legs ache at the end of the day but I feel proud and happy when my kids come up to me and kiss me goodnight and ask me if I need a foot massage or at times they come with a bottle of Tiger balm and start rubbing it on my legs..Oh! I'm better already I say to them...ha ha!!

 Having a good and supportive husband also increases my powers of a Super Mom. He helps me when he is at home and is really good at being a handy man to household chores, and I really adore him for that. 


 I Love my kids to the max and they are a real blessing to me and my husband. They are the most precious gift that God has blessed us with. They've become very responsible and independent and I'm really proud of them. I don't regret having 4 boys (Although many people said to us that girls are always better than boys, but my boys have surely broken that myth) and do hope that in future if we do plan to have more kids, I may be blessed with twin Boys (always wanted to have twin babies...ha ha).

Yes, I am a Super Mom and I love this job of mine! Now, who says a Stay at Home Mom doesn't work????


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